Finding The Beauty of Transition while Navigating Uncertainty
Transition and transformation are so much part of my life that they (somehow) made me an expert in transformation — lived experience so to say. Here is what I learned about transitions and why I see beauty in them.
Why The Survival of Companies Depends on How We See Them
Have you founded your company 20 years ago or do you know someone who did? Well, statistically, this company is moving towards its end. If we want organizations to develop well, we all need to realize that it is us who make organizations exactly what and how they are. If we want them to be different, we have to start with ourselves and change. Here is how…
Why Most Changes Fail
Vielleicht möchtest du ein Hobby in etwas Größeres verwandeln. Oder vielleicht hast du ein kreatives Projekt, das du mit der Welt teilen möchtest. Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.
Forces of Transition: Love (Copy)
In my series “Forces of Transition” I talk to female entrepreneurs who have dealt with the forces of change fear, truth, clarity, courage and love in their entrepreneurial existence. In this episode I am in conversation about love.