Finding The Beauty of Transition while Navigating Uncertainty

picture source: stock | canva | Nicole Bastien

Transition and transformation are so much part of my life that they (somehow) made me an expert in transformation — lived experience so to say. No need to feel pity, though! I love my life and that it is in constant change. And I don’t mean the little stuff by that like moving the sofa from one corner of the living room to the next. Although the situations looked and felt… let’s say… shitty sometimes, they always happened for me. Looking back I needed all those experiences to shape my energy, to carve out my essence, to become even brighter on the inside. In fact, at the beginning of the pandemic, many people around me were scared like hell. Not me. The more uncertain the situation looked, the calmer I got. That way I could give orientation and space to breathe to many people. Last summer I gave a TED talk on The Beauty of Transition. My article here summarizes the essentials.

Inevitable Experiences Between the Old and the New

Transitions are an inevitable part of life, yet they often come with uncertainty and discomfort. From expected transitions like changing jobs to unexpected ones like losing a loved one, we are pushed out of our comfort zones and forced to navigate new terrain. But while they may be difficult, transitions also offer opportunities for growth and development.

As a child of farmers and shepherds, I learned that everything in life is woven into a cycle of seasons. The transition from one season to the next is necessary for producing the next level of nature’s evolution. In the same way, transitions in our lives mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. They serve as the threshold between the old and the new, and they knit the different chapters of our lives into one unique story. Without transitions, our lives would be insignificant.

Despite their importance, transitions can be scary because they shatter our illusion of control. We live in a society that values efficiency and predictability, but transitions are neither efficient nor predictable. They introduce uncertainty and disrupt the linear plans we have for our lives. However, in order to truly thrive, we must learn to embrace the uncertainty that comes with transitions.

Creating Conditions For Us

One way to do this is by creating the right conditions for transition. While we can’t control the timing or the outcome of transitions, we can control the way we approach them. By cultivating openness and resilience, we can navigate transitions with greater ease. We can also seek out support from those around us, whether it’s through friends, family, or professional resources. But I get it and know from experience too well, that our patterns are pretty sticky to us.

In order to escape the cycle of repetitive behavior patterns that keep us stagnant, we must acknowledge that we are not machines that follow a set program like a computer. We cannot predict when the next major change will occur, nor can we control how it will affect us. However, we can establish conditions that promote our growth, awareness, learning, and integration, making it easier for us to adapt to change and navigate through uncertainty.

Your Biotope of Change

If you’re looking for a quick fix, I’m sorry to say that there isn’t one. What we need to do is reclaim our humanity, much like how a farmer tends to the soil as the foundation for everything else. From this foundation, a biotope of change can arise, making it easier for us to adapt. Here’s what I’ve learned from my own life and working with individuals and organizations during times of transition:

Breaks | When we’re stressed, we tend to fall back into old patterns that keep us stuck. It’s important to take mental and physical breaks to recharge our bodies, settle our thoughts and emotions, and recover from stress. By doing so, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and implement new patterns. This is essential for adapting quickly.

Contemplation | We are the smallest unit of a biotope of change, so we need to focus on ourselves first before trying to change organizations. We need to recognize and work on anything that holds us back from prosperity, starting with triggers that cause us to repeat old behavior patterns. By meditating, breathing, and breaking old belief systems, we can change ourselves and move forward.

Awareness | Transitions don’t come out of nowhere; there are always cues along the way. By paying attention and observing our environment, we can recognize dissonances and learn to understand how to read those patterns. This helps us prepare for the changes that are coming.

Relationships | Relationships are the foundation of living systems, such as organizations and communities. By studying relationships and observing how they change, we can learn about changes in our environment. It’s important to put effort into studying, building, and maintaining relationships to foster prosperity.

Emotions | Fear is a powerful emotion that signals that our boundaries are being touched. Rather than denying or minimizing fear, we need to give it space and acknowledge it. And here is the uncomfortable truth: By recognizing our fear, we can identify where our greatest potential for development lies.

Patience | Breakthroughs come when they come. So we must be patient with ourselves and those around us. It’s not about rushing through everything, but rather practicing these principles repeatedly to become comfortable with the uncertainty that transitions bring.

Love | ahhh, my favorite of all… Love, in a giving and un-expecting way, is the ultimate USP for a leader. If you ever wondered what your USP would be, well here it is! Many talk about it in the workplace but the truth is, only a few leaders dare to show love. Love speaks many languages and can transform relationships, team meetings, and even entire companies. By taking care of ourselves first and making these principles part of our lives, we can expand our biotope of change and reap the rewards of creativity and prosperity.

As we navigate transitions, it’s important to remember that they are a natural part of life. They may be uncomfortable, but they always offer opportunities for growth and development. Whether we are experiencing a personal transition or a collective one, we can find beauty in the uncertainty and embrace the journey of transformation. When the waves carry us and sometimes toss us around we are confronted with our vitality. And yes, these enormous forces can scare us. But this is where all of us can feel our very unique lives the most, too.

Are you skeptical? I am ok with that. Because I know all it takes is this one moment to dare to be as human as you can be. So, are you ready to dare?

Disclaimer: If you want to listen to my TED Talk, too I am happy you do so.


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