Nicole Bastien Nicole Bastien

Why Most Changes Fail

Vielleicht möchtest du ein Hobby in etwas Größeres verwandeln. Oder vielleicht hast du ein kreatives Projekt, das du mit der Welt teilen möchtest. Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.

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Nicole Bastien Nicole Bastien

Forces of Transition: Truth (Copy)

In my series “Forces of Transition” I talk to female entrepreneurs who have dealt with the forces of change fear, truth, clarity, courage and love in their entrepreneurial existence. In this episode I am in conversation about truth.

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Nicole Bastien Nicole Bastien

Leading with Authority? Oh, yes, Please!

Authority doesn’t sound smooth. But as leaders we will desperately need it to lead through uncertainty. Here are my thoughts on authority, what it really means and how to recognize it.

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Nicole Bastien Nicole Bastien

Managing Is Not Leading

Let’s take a closer look at what leading actually is all about: Unlike a production task, leading people is detached from a visible and tangible product. At the end (if there can be an end to leadership) there is nothing tangible or a service that can be experienced, e.g. in the sense of an event. Rather, leadership is an experience of action that conveys orientation and security. And what is management then?

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