Lead, as If People Mattered
picture credit: stock | ArtRepublic
Life does not always feel like a party to be thrown, especially not when you are a leader and in particular not when you are a leader in times of eroding and collapsing systems as is the case on a global scale today.
A leader, a person others look to for guidance, means walking a lonesome path. Standing out, and never quite fitting in. Being both supportive and uncomfortable, making tough decisions with a clear yes to some and a resounding no to others, understanding people, deciphering the dynamics of a system in which they operate, and guiding individuals from a state of uncertainty to a meaningful direction. It’s about showing the way forward with courage, clarity, and love.
Well, so much for the idealistic vision. Reality often paints a different picture, though.
Leadership, once a noble art aimed at ensuring tribal survival, has morphed into a bureaucratic exercise of pushing people around organizations, setting KPIs only the top heads care about (bc of shareholders) and trying to capture complexity in endless presentations to prove a point not a single soul will pay any attention to after the meeting has finished. Lived leadership reality means for the majority of leaders among us emptiness, uneasiness, overwhelming feelings, isolation, blurry sight, and sleepless nights. No wonder that the search for the newest leadership framework, tool, or [you name it] never seems to get old. The constant quest for new leadership frameworks or tools reflects at its core our desire to escape these unpleasant feelings by seeking external solutions. But here is the thing: knowing a framework, certain leadership style, or tool doesn't make the next steps in real leadership life any more comfortable. They can be helpful but they won't make the shitty feelings vanish we just don't want to feel.
However, knowing a framework or leadership style is only part of the equation. The true challenge lies in addressing the insecurities and fears that accompany leadership. Leadership is not a skill you can simply learn; it's a complex, inherently relational, and not transactional practice. To navigate the future, we all must foster certain qualities and abilities as leaders inside or outside of organizations.
So, welcome to this edition of my ✨MuseLetter✨, where we explore the Art of Leadership in times of nerve-wracking uncertainty, moving toward a new economic paradigm.
What is changing right now?
Short answer: everything. I know, 😂 knee slapper and not very helpful. It holds truth, though. We are witnessing a growing awareness among humanity about what it means to be human. Although not everyone has fully embraced this awareness, more and more leaders, founders, entrepreneurs, and investors☝️are awakening to the need for reevaluating business practices and their impact on people and the planet. They are searching for sustainable alternatives and are challenging the status quo of how we are doing business and in what we are investing. While there are still those who merely pay lip service to terms like sustainability and regeneration, there are remarkable initiatives like Zebras Unite, GITA, or The Fast Future Executive, or freshly hatched ones like 1MT (among others), creating a tangible impact on how we conceive and conduct business, invest in enterprises, and shape our roles as leaders and business creators.
As we stand on the cusp of redefining globalization, it's evident that what initially began as an economic phenomenon has evolved into a state of heightened interconnectedness and interdependence among nations, economies, cultures, and individuals across the globe. Globalization has ushered in economic growth, innovation, and the sharing of knowledge, but it has also introduced challenges such as inequality, cultural homogenization, environmental degradation, and concerns about national sovereignty.
Justice on a global scale is no longer a mere aspiration; it is now the number one priority for the survival of our species. Turning a blind eye to these issues is not an option anymore. Why? Because the consequences of our actions, or inaction, are becoming increasingly evident. Climate change is a pressing issue, with extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems affecting millions. The C-pandemic has illustrated the necessity of collective action. Social and economic disparities have reached critical levels, leading to social unrest and calls for justice and reform.
In this evolving landscape, we are redefining our understanding of success and prosperity. It's no longer just about financial gain; it's about social and environmental well-being.
People are demanding responsible and ethical business practices, and I see more and more leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors reevaluating their roles and responsibilities in this interconnected world. This transformation is driven by an increased awareness of our shared human experience and the necessity of addressing global challenges collectively.
What is changing right now is our perspective on the world and our place in it. We are moving toward a more conscious, interconnected, and responsible way of living and doing business, recognizing the urgency of tackling global challenges together. So, the question is: How long can we afford not to work together?
A more sustainable and equitable approach is not just a choice; it's a necessity. We are redefining our understanding of success and prosperity to encompass not just financial gain but also social and environmental well-being. People are demanding responsible and ethical business practices, and leaders and entrepreneurs are rethinking their roles and responsibilities in this interconnected world.
Fuzzing Forward
No matter the scale of the crisis we face it fundamentally represents a social crisis that demands evolution. Every crisis carries the potential for renewal, a chance to reevaluate the status quo and reflect on our alignment with life. Confronting these challenges requires the courage to face them head-on and the even greater courage to proceed and live authentically. On a personal level, each one of us plays a vital role in this transformation. Moving on from our low-frequency places would already make a significant difference. On a larger scale, we need individuals who hold the space for the collective and who dare to embrace evolution, comprehend the intricate patterns of systems and the cycles of life, and have the audacity to advocate for change, infusing love for humanity into their work. This represents a new understanding of leadership, guiding others from a state of misery to one of meaning. Leading from love and not from fear - and this is only a decision to make away.
Leadership has always thrived on the fuzzy edges of systems. It is precisely where leadership is needed most. Leaders are not required in times of predictability and the seamless distribution of goods, services, information, and resources. Leadership emerges precisely when and where it is needed most—where things get complicated and uncomfortable. This is where the beauty of leadership shines, as it invites us to step into greatness when the sailing gets rough. It is in the midst of uncertainty that great leaders distinguish themselves from the rest.
Leadership requires followers, and the right conditions must stimulate this phenomenon. It's a situation marked by uncertainty, ambiguity, disorientation, nerve-wracking intersections, and transitions that one might not willingly choose. To truly lead, leaders must take the first step.
In other words, if leaders do not evolve, how can they expect their people or communities to make progress?
Leadership entails being the first to develop an awareness of what the system or community needs to unfold energy, move forward, and transition to the next chapter.
When operating on the fringes of uncertainty and complexity, traditional frameworks and tools prove inadequate. What didn't work in the past anymore is just not suitable for shaping the future. That simple. What's required is the nurturing of the essence of leadership—understanding and connecting from one human being to another human being. From one heart to the other. From one love to the other.
Leadership in rough conditions demands empathy, adaptability, and the ability to inspire and guide others through uncharted territory. It's about building trust, fostering collaboration, and uniting diverse individuals toward a shared purpose. That way leadership is becoming radical in its original Latin meaning: forming or having roots. It is the human element that frequently makes the crucial difference amid chaos and ambiguity when we sit on the fringes of uncertainty.
Leaders who genuinely understand and connect with their people harness the collective intelligence and resilience of the group to address challenges, adapt to change, and find innovative solutions. Their focus isn't solely on obtaining the largest share of the prey; it's on the long-term well-being and progress of the community or organization they lead. They understand that competition is lived fear and cooperation love in action.
Three Arts of Leadership
Considering our current state as a species, we require leaders who primarily serve as connectors. These leaders foster relationships and create an environment conducive to change (see also my TED talk about The Beauty of Transition). Throughout the years, I've distilled leadership into Three Arts to navigate toward a future of communities (including organizations).
The Art of Building Relationships
It all begins with self-awareness - knowing who you are, owning your shit and your greatness at the same time, and understanding why you are doing what you are doing (I mean the unconscious doing here that emerges from triggers). That leads to greater empathy and the capacity to build relationships. Leadership hinges on forging meaningful connections with people. By understanding the aspirations of others, identifying common ground, and nurturing a sense of belonging, leaders can forge thriving conditions for resilient groups. In a world characterized by complexity and the need for diversity, the ability to construct strong relationships forms the bedrock of collaboration, trust, and synergy. These connections enable leaders to rally individuals and groups toward a shared purpose, fostering a sense of belonging, mutualism, and direction.
The Art of Communication
I know, sounds so much like old news🥱 been there, done that. But stay with me, because our evolving world demands a more comprehensive understanding of communication. Communication the way I understand it goes beyond mere spoken or written words and shared gestures; it encompasses transverbal communication, which includes symbols, signs, art, music, other expressive forms, and information within a social field you can sense but not translate into any word. In our increasingly connected global context, transversal communication takes on paramount importance for leaders. Understanding context and shared information within a certain context is beyond intercultural communication; it's transverbal.
Communication, whether through words or symbols, spoken or not, is the foundation of any thriving relationship; personal or professional.
Leaders who master the art of communication can convey their vision with clarity, inspire trust, and provide clear guidance. They break down barriers, foster understanding, and drive conditions for positive change and innovation. We develop a certain kind of system awareness. Which leads me to the last art:
The Art of Transformation
Transformation is impossible without a profound understanding of the systems in place. Leaders who discern the patterns of health within the systems they operate in also comprehend the innate, cyclical nature of all living systems. They know that these systems progress through phases of growth, regeneration, decline, and even metamorphosis. To me, being able to recognize it, having the knowledge about it, and tending to it like a gardener are all integral aspects of Transformation Intelligence. This intelligence draws its strength from cognitive, emotional, and spiritual awareness, encompassing both self-awareness and a deep understanding of the systems at play (aka system awareness). Leaders who possess the ability to adapt, evolve, and guide their organizations and communities through the various stages of transformation are not only better equipped to thrive but also to shape a sustainable future in a swiftly evolving world.
The Glue
Despite the challenges and uncertainties that confront us, there is reason for hope. The evolving awareness of our interconnectedness and the pressing need for responsible leadership is driving a global shift in mindset.
More leaders are awakening to their roles as connectors, communicators, and agents of transformation. They are reclaiming their transformative capacity.
Initiatives and movements focused on sustainability, justice, and positive change continue to gain momentum, showcasing the power of collective action and the bravery of human hearts. And yet, so many leaders feel isolated in their day-to-day routine.
So, if you are one of them, feeling isolated, please let me tell you this and listen well: Hang in there! No matter what! It's not you. It’s them. You are not, repeat after me, you are not the weirdo. They just need a little longer to understand. I am speaking from experience here, felt strange most of the time. You are on a path and you already made steps forward. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your journey. We all need your beautiful light and leadership to move toward a brighter future. And we all need your leadership capacity in your part of this world to pave the way for all to follow. Leadership means being the first one. If there was already a path it wouldn't be yours and it would not be the path of a leader anyway.
If my writing resonates with you and you would like to stay connected with me and kindred spirits feel free to join my Tea Room, a virtual space for visionary entrepreneurs, founders, and forward-thinking leaders. And if you are looking for tangible solutions in your development you can join my Business Lab, too.
With love, beauty, and joy
The Tea Room
The Tea Room is a virtual space and free offer that I designed for visionary entrepreneurs, founders, and forward-thinking leaders who (like me) see beyond existing business practices and are all about building organizations and workplaces that don't just thrive financially, but also make a positive impact on people, the planet, and the larger ecosystems they're part of. The focus I set within The Tea Room is on discovering the hidden potential to create these kinds of businesses, along with the right mindset, heartset, and deep commitment to making it happen.
Business Lab | Co-Creating Tangible Solutions
Many sparks of inspiration ignite a dazzling firework of co-creation - this is the idea behind the Business Lab for forward-thinking leaders and visionary entrepreneurs. In a world of increasing uncertainty and crumbling stability, you experience a welcoming atmosphere where you connect with like-minded and warm-hearted people under the lens of a future economy. Maintain a high state flow of your energy, stay focused on your personal and professional development of consciousness, and grow with kindred spirits. The Business Lab will help you to create tangible solutions for the future you desire and the impact you want to see in this world.
Leadership Flow | Be the One Others Will Follow
The Leadership Flow is a 3- or 6-month virtual program for forward-thinking leaders where the quintessence of my 25y leadership experience poured in and designed for your real leadership challenges. We focus on your capacity for human-centered leadership toward a more regenerative economy. You will reconnect with your true self, embrace your brilliance (aka your Genius), and learn how to build and foster strong relationships as the cornerstone of leadership. Leading involves guiding and inspiring others. To do that, you must first lead yourself (self-awareness) and understand the patterns of evolution of the system you lead.