NICOLE BASTIEN (person): Chiefly global citizen; woman of the people; advocate for humanity in the economy; Visioneurs advisor; C-suite collaborator; expert in impactful communication, transformative narratives, human-centered collaborations, and leadership; instigator of evolution; unapologetically human; strong voice, TEDx speaker & ally of transformation.
Devoted to Intentional impact
Passionate about life, people, human connections, entrepreneur- & leadership, and a regenerative economic paradigm. Founder of What Matters, a slowly and steadily growing global initiative around reclaiming humanity in the economy. Uniting impact creators from technology, capital, and humanity to weave existing gaps and innovate toward a regenerative economy. Also, founder of Fine Advisory for Visioneurs. Guiding extraordinary entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors to transform their vision into intentional sustainable impact and become those others will follow.
☞ developing a regenerative future
Committed to Meaningful Progress
Dedicated to understanding human dynamics, societal shifts, and transformative patterns and journeys of living systems over three decades. From roles as a social worker, industrial lobbyist, Managing Director, NED, advisor, and impact creator. Now, investing my time and energy in supporting businesses that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet while they are still prospering. Redefining strategy, communication, and implementation, strengthening leadership capacity, igniting individual and collective genius flow, and being the thought partner to impact creators.
☞ get things rolling. period.
lingering Source of Inspiration
Publisher of several articles for business magazines, live podcasts, e.g. What Matters Live Audios, and newsletters, e.g. MuseLetter on LinkedIn and From the Cauldron within What Matters. Focus on businesses in service to life, people, planet (aka regenerative), future organizations and leadership, consciousness, and regenerative entrepreneurship. Also, speaker and panelist on big stages to advocate for humanity in the economy and bring in expertise in leadership, entrepreneurship, transformation, and human-centered collaborations and economy.
TED talk The Beauty of Transition.
☞ inspiring humans to a graceful evolution of the economy
I consult and coach vision-driven entrepreneurs and forward-thinking leaders, focussing on real-world impact, human-centered communication, authentic leadership, and sense-making regenerative business strategy.
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